Opposites attract or so its been said. Brad is a patient person. I knew that when I married him and I married him any way. On the other hand, I am not so patient. I am working on it and at least I own it.
As a young parent though, I did learn how to be a patient mother and wife (Brad and the boys might attest otherwise). I realized that it wasn't so important to "win" the discussion as it was to "listen" to all.

Then the boys flew the coop and and so did some of my patience. I realize though, how important it is as an empty nester to be patient for so many reasons. I am working diligently on regaining my patience (no pat on the back required.)
For example, Brad is and has always been an avid sports follower and player. I knew that when I married him (I married him anyway - see a pattern??!!) I on the other hand would rather have gone to the dentist than watch a baseball game in its entirety.
But now 30 years into this union I can watch the last 5 minutes of any sporting event at home. Success. The end of the game is usually when all the important plays happen anyway. Right?
To help fulfill my promise to be more patient to Brad and to myself (and to my sister and to others), I have taken up meditation. Meditation is a game changer for me.
That wasn't always the case when I was younger but with age comes wisdom and I now know how important it is to be present for myself but especially Brad. :)
So now I am now a firm believer in meditating. It really works for me. Even Brad has tried meditating, but he usually ends up falling asleep. Enjoy the picture.

Even though he is not a devout meditator and I am not a committed ESPN viewer we make it work. It's true opposites do attract.
Happy Empty Nesting!
Take away #1: Meditation is easier than you think. If I can do it anyone can. They even have apps for it. Calm is a great one.
Take away #2: Don't invite me to a sporting event. Save your money. I will watch the highlights in perpetuity on ESPN.