When you reach the pinnacle of a journey (i.e. becoming a Cancer Survivor! ) where do you want to celebrate? Disney World of course. Disney World is Emptynestersfinally's happy place.
Brad and I went when I was pregnant with Lane and we continue to go. It is where I found out @bradhacker59 knows a fair amount about NASA. It's where I professed my love for the Mickey Pretzel while Brad declared his retirement dreams of becoming a Storm Trooper

There are multiple websites with information how to do Disney World as an Adults. These include the best drinking spots, best lounges, best hotels a for "adults". Brad and I realized is that when we visit Disney by ourselves we definitely want a nicer hotel and to sit down for dinner (although Brad would still pick a turkey leg any day) we still want to go into the parks and go on the rides even if Space Mountain/Test Track messes with our equilibrium.
Going to Disney World as an emptynester allows your brain has the to combine your new Disney experiences to the ones you previously had. This leads to so many happy smash ups in your mind. And when you include grandkids to the mix, the Disney Memory Section of your brain is on happiness overload.
Although we do love visiting Disney as adults, going with grandkids is the best (better than went you with your kids - do not tell them though). Vacation Brad and Vacation Karen are relaxed (hardly ever seen in Cooper City Karen). We are never in a rush (unless there is a line for crumb cake - of course).

As a grandparent, it's like time has slowed down. Anything Asher and Liam want to do, we are game. If they want to sit by the lake eating ice cream - we are in - but only if we get some too.
Happy Empty Nesting!