As loyal readers of Empty Nesters Finally know, since I (Karen) began writing this blog (with Brad's final approval on all posts - of course!!) our lives have become an open book. But, I have been keeping a secret from most of you though since September.
Empty Nesters Finally were participants in the @Pfizerinc COVID-19 vaccine trial.

Why did we come forward now?
Since the vaccine was approved in the United States, We wanted to give anyone and everyone an opportunity to ask questions of a "certain age group" and how it all went down.
Empty Nesters Finally are vaccine proponents but we are aware that not everyone is a vaccine supporter so here is a FAQ sheet for our experience with the vaccine trial.
1. How did we get chosen to be in trial? It definitely was not like a 4th grade kickball game. Otherwise I never would have been chosen to participate. I was always 2nd to last picked - always. I went online and submitted and application and then apx 2 weeks later I got a call. And we all know Brad has FOMO so once they asked me he road my coat tails to the trial!
2. The shot itself was not painful unless you are not a fan of shots like Brad.

3. It felt like the Flu shot and not the Tentanus shot. I had to get a Tetanus shot couple years ago and that was like someone punched my arm. Brad will tell you that this shot felt like when I am trying to get his attention and I constantly flick his arm. Annoying but not painful. lol
4. It is a 2 shot deal. After the first shot we felt nothing. We figured we got the placebo, Brad played tennis that night and I made my 100th quarantine banana bread and then ate 1/3 of it. FYI Brad has managed to lose a significant amount of weight during these past months me not so much.
5. After the 2nd shot we also felt really good. We went to Target and Whole Foods. Brad again played tennis. We felt sure we got the Placebo. The next morning though when we woke up we both were exhausted and had to lie down again. The fatigue lessened throughout the day and Brad was able to go to work in the afternoon. I had chills and was very tired throughout the day. This all went away by 7 PM. And the next morning we were back to feeling normal. So now we are unsure.
Although my family thinks since I read that fatigue was one of the side effects that can happen after 2nd shot, I was fatigued. They think Brad used shot as an excuse to sleep longer.
6. The trial was completed by @rcatrials. We felt completely safe. They were very thorough. We were completely confident in our decision to participate in a trial and try to be part of the solution.
7. We still wear masks and are very careful. Since they still don't know how long the antibodies will last or if we did get vaccine can we still pass on to others. Therefore we will continue to wear masks til everyone that wants a vaccine can get one, hopefully real soon.
As of this post, we do not know if we got the placebo or vaccine. Fingers crossed.
Stay safe all and email me if have any questions.