Since Father's Day is fast approaching and many of us are still self quarantining you might think purchasing a Father's Day Gift might be difficult, it is so easy with Empty Nesters Finally suggestions:
"NOT SO GREAT" gifts or as Brad says - "GARAGE SALE" material.
1. CALENDAR/DATE BOOK. Never Ever for Father's Day, birthday, etc... Too practical. The price might be right but ......
2. HEATED SCARF. My rationale was that he traveled a lot for work up North but
that logic was flawed for so many reasons but mostly because we live in Florida and it was June. You would have thought I would have learned from that fiasco but ......
3. BELT ORGANIZER. Enough said. Another practical gift. But it could have been worse could have gotten him a belt and tie organizer. I have to admit tho, I did think about that.
1. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS GARDEN GNOME. This was a big win. Actually any gift with your special someone's alma mater (or sports team) somehow displayed is always a winning gift, no pun intended.

These University of Florida car mats were a hit with our son for his birthday. Great gift.
2. FIRE PIT. Yes, I know I live in Florida but on that one chilly January night, a fire pit is essential.
3. EXPERIENCES. As we get older we have accumulated so much stuff that we what we really crave is time with our family and friends, especially our kids. Lane and Drew got this experience for Brad and it was a definite winner. Anything that gets us to spend time with our kids is a successful gift (especially if it involves checking something off our bucket list.)

Happy Empty Nesting and Happy Father's Day to all those amazing fathers!
TAKE AWAY: No practical gifts for Father's Day. As a rule practical gifts do not make great gifts for any occasion. Gifts should be a want not a need.
At least that is what Brad tells me OR I tell him. Doesn't matter.