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When Brad and I travel we always try to pick something to do that is out of our comfort zone, some more physical than others. I promised the boys a while ago that I would begin to take risks more often at home and always at least once on a vacation. Sometimes the plane trip itself counts as a risk (at least for me). Don't ask Brad about our trip to San Francisco early in our marriage. Heads up, I threw up twice while Brad ate all my food including my ice scream sundae (this was a very long time ago). Wish we had cell phones that had cameras but no worries I woke up to him eating and that picture is forever engrained in my memory.

I would like to count the many tours of sports stadium and sports museum as my risks but according to everyone (but me) that is in no way a risk. I always voiced my opinion but I am always outnumbered. But now that Sarah joined our family, the count is getting closer and if they have a girl. Wahoo!! It will finally be even (it would only have taken me 30 years but Yea!!)

Now that we travel as empty nesters, Brad and I each pick one activity that the other would not choose to do. On this past Las Vegas Trip we took a yoga class on the High Roller ferris wheel on the Strip and yes the wheel was going round. I did not get sick and but I did take a dramamine. Believe it or not though that is not the first time Brad has done yoga in Vegas. He even did yoga with the Dolphins (I know we go to Vegas a lot.) But the dealers love Brad there, ask anyone.

It is funny that he will never go to yoga in Cooper City but he does it on most of our vacations. That is fine with me and it makes me happy and we all know a happy wife is a happy life.

So since he does yoga for/with me I indulge his obsession with all things having to do with Muhammad Ali. As a surprise to him (and it is really hard for me to keep a secret), for our last trip, I stayed at a hotel that had an Ali exhibit in our hotel. Brad was blown away (we spent 3 hours there) and believe it or not so was I.

Now the boys would never ever have considered the museum a risk but Brad said it counted (probably cause I bought him a Muhammad Ali coffee mug.) I am sure our next family trip I will have to do something more out of comfort zone but I am counting on Sarah to help me.

Happy Empty Nesting!!

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