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Drew's 22nd birthday was last week and even though we were not with him physically we would be there in spirit (thankfully I know how to face time). I have always liked to document each year with a birthday picture but Drew did not grant me that wish this year (guilt anyone?) so I am forced to put a picture of long ago.

As an Empty Nester, I knew I would not be able to celebrate every holiday, special occasion or birthday with the boys. And even though I am aware of this ,it does not make me feel any better. I am a pretty rational person (although many will disagree) but I still feel sad that I am not there to wake him up with the worst Happy Birthday rendition ever (I was thinking a rap version this year).

As the boys get older I realize the odds of Brad and I seeing them when they wake up on their birthdays is slim to none. But I still have my fingers crossed that teleporting becomes a thing soon and then Brad and I will be there to sing to them in person!! I am sure the boys are so excited??!!

Happy Empty Nesting!!!

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