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Drew Graduates (Sort of)!!!

April 30 was a big deal in the Hacker Empty Nest. Drew graduated! We were all very excited for this milestone. Drew worked so hard and he did it with honors. Brad and I felt like we graduated too. We had lived through all the ups and downs of being empty nesters (so far) and survived!

We (I) are so eager for Drew to come home and we (me) had a bucket list of items we wanted to do with him before he left the nest again. I can't wait to blog about all our summer experiences as "sort of " empty nesters.

We knew as Drew's college years were winding down our time as empty nesters was just beginning and all of us were thrilled and apprehensive at same time. We always knew that as long as Drew was in school this permanent empty nesting thing was going to happen but it was always off in the future. Luckily for us Drew is going to graduate school!!

Happy Empty Nesting!!

PS I think Lane and Brad thought they were graduating too!!

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