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empty nesters finally, Sous chef, Beyonce's guacamole

Empty Nesting definitely comes with challenges. I have mentioned my struggle with grocery shopping for our empty nest on many occasions. So it was inevitable that cooking would be present its own challenges. I was determined though to make dinner time a “special time” for us empty nesters.

Truth be told I love cooking and always made dinner a time for all 4 of us. I even tried the “question a day” topic or “give me one good and one bad thing that happened to you today” but in all honesty the conversation always ended up being about sports and the “big game”. I did not mind and occasionally I would surprise them all with a genius comment about sports that would make them all stop talking and stare at me and gawk.

Anyway since it’s just the two of us, I signed us up for a cooking class but lucky for Brad the place closed before our lesson. I don’t know how and I can’t prove it but I think he had something to do with it.

I still thought that it would be fun to cook together so I gave Brad the title of sous chef. When I told him he wanted to know if that involved anything more then setting the table. LOL. When I told the boys that dad was helping me in the kitchen, they could not stop laughing and asked please that he not be involved in any of their dinners. I did not mention that to Brad, of course. I did not want his confidence to be shot before he had even done anything.

Our first dinner was fish tacos and Brad made the guacamole. He watched a youtube video on how to cut the avocado and got Beyoncé’s best guacamole recipe. He was all set. I had my fingers crossed while I was watching his fingers with the knife. And guess what, his hard work paid off. It was delish. Now, I am not even allowed to cut an avocado for anything. Success for all!

Happy emptynesting!!!

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