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HALF WAY THROUGH THE YEAR and what a year already. Empty Nesters Finally is done with 2020. It is 6 months we never want repeat for so many reasons.

You might ask what has the world done to deserve all this but what we should really ask is what we have not done to deserve this mess.

We must be kind to each other and respect each other for our similarities and our differences to start. We can't all always be right, at least that's what Brad tells me.

I don't profess to know how to change things for the better so Brad and I have decided to call a mulligan. We will be celebrating New Years Eve 2020.5 on June 30.

I am only slightly naive to think we can have an actual "do-over" . But ENF thinks we should try. Come celebrate with us bring masks and what ever you want to drink. There will be music and dancing and we will toast to 2020.5

New Years Eve 2020.5.  A do over for all
Empty Nesters Finally Celebrate 2020.5

2020 needs some happiness. Celebrate 2020.5 with ENF
Toast to 2020.5

The ONE most important thing we can do to make our world better no matter if your world is the universe or just your block is to VOTE.

Even though we don't vote til November. Register now. Make sure you know the location of your precinct. And if Tuesday does not work for you. Vote early or vote by mail. We have options. We have an incredible country made up of incredible people of all colors, shapes and sizes.

Your vote matters and Happy 2020.5 to all.

Hope to see you on June 30 even if it's just by Zoom.

We are all only a Zoom call away.

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