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Over the years, I knew that there were plenty of "moments" Brad and the boys questioned my interference (crazy, right?) in their day to day choices I am sure there were times (especially during football season) they wished I would just go "read a book" somewhere.

Unfortunately or fortunately (who knows) for Brad, now if I just went to "read a book" Brad would be all alone. And we all know that Brad a/k/a Brad the Stalker hates to be alone (unless its tax season.)

Lane, Sarah and Drew got me an Escape Room Experience for Chanukah. It was the perfect gift for me since I am currently a minimalist (much more on that later) and do not want any "things". Unless its jewelry from Brad of course. But I digress.

When we got there the instructor took me and locked me in a separate room. Then Brad, Lane, Sarah and Drew had to find me. I was a little nervous because what if they could not find me (or worse they did not want to find me....... Dolphins were still playing), that would be bad, really bad. But lo and behold they did rescue me and we managed to get out with plenty of time to spare and we got to go to dinner!

It made me think they love me, they really love me (Sally Field for us baby boomers.)

Happy Empty Nesting!

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