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2017 was an incredible year. Here are highlights 5-7 in no particular order:

7. GARAGE SALES: Brad and I gathered our stuff (which I am positive became someone's treasures) sold most of it, donated the rest and then went out for lunch. Brad showed a lot of restraint and did not buy any ones else's throw aways.

We all remember how much Brad wanted to buy this knight.

And if you ever see a purse of mine check out the pockets. I hide money much to Brad's dismay. I think someone at garage sale bought a purse and got $100!! I am so helping the economy.

6. BLOGHER17: I am officially a blogger (I got business cards that say I am - so there). It only took me 3+ years and it took Thomas Edison 1000 attempts before he discovered the light bulb so I am way ahead of the game but then I read it only took Mark Zuckerberg two (2) weeks to develop Facebook, I guess I am somewhere in between.

I learned that I am definitely not too old to leaned new things (videos are key and SEO is not a rock group) . And that even if only Brad chuckles at my blog (and I know there is more-) then I am a success. I also learned that presentation is important, hence new look of (check out the home page- maybe there will be a prize in your future).

Speaking of gift cards, Congrats to all the winners!!! I was so happy to be able to have monthly drawings for my subscribers. Hope all enjoyed and even though not sure how I will follow that up in 2018 , I know it will be epic.

5. #BRADTHEBUILDER : Brad was very busy this year. We got a new alarm system (more on that later) and Brad installed and it works!! He also tried very hard to fix our washing machine. It did not go well but he gets an "A" for effort. And best of all, Brad made our Thanksgiving meal. It was delicious and next year everyone is invited. It will be BYOC (bring your own chair.) LOL

Who knows what Brad the Builder will attempt next. Maybe Brad the Builder decides he wants to take up wood chopping, plumbing or even knitting. Never know what the future holds for Brad or me.

You all get to come along for the ride and get to sit in the front row (unlike the movies - this is a good thing.)

Happy Empty Nesting!!

Stay tuned for the Final Countdown !

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