I am like most mothers and wives when I say I just want everyone to agree with me and say “Yes” when I ask them to do things. It makes my life and everyone's around me so much easier. It really should not be a big deal and no discussions are necessary.
I always tell them to trust me that I know what is right. My fingers are usually crossed when I say that. But so far so good.
I know this advice can turn out well ever since Lane learned that if he said “yes” to everything I asked, I would let him do what he wanted. Plus he probably did whatever he wanted to anyway especially when he was in college.
Since Drew has been in school he has learned that too. Lane taught him well. He knows that if he listens to me and says he will do whatever I ask him to, the conversation is over a lot faster. And he can go do whatever he wants. Most of the time I never know. Thankfully, a lot of his friends still post pictures on Facebook.
I have amazing kids but I am not so naïve that I don’t know what goes on up in school and when I am not around or in earshot. And there is always Facebook. I bet they are not fans of my new social media world especially cause I am on snapchat and twitter too. #emptynestersfinally
Since Brad and I have become empty nesters, the whole “Say Yes to Karen” has taken on a whole new meaning. As we (he) get older, we (he) realizes that life is too short to disagree about most things and as long as we agree on the big things we can have more fun if we (him more than me) say “Yes” to each other most of the time.
We really just want each other to be happy so it’s a win-win (most of the time).
Happy Empty Nesting!!