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Brad and I have been debating whether we are still empty nesters now that Drew is home for the summer and Lane has graduated and living at home until December. Lane has a job but it does not start until October and he wants to save money before he moves out. We are so proud of him. But the question is still out there and are we still empty nesters?

Brad believes that since we have been in the “empty nester” mindset since August (and we can’t go backwards) we are still empty nesters. I am not sure, but since I am going to continue to blog let’s go with Brad’s theory (I have to throw him a bone once in awhile)

I love having the boys home but its quite different for us. Believe it or not (and my family probably does not), I am much more relaxed now about everything. I still request texts from them but I understand if I don’t receive a text back as soon as I send it. Its not because they don’t want to tell me its that it takes some time to for them to receive the text and then for me to get their reply. I am much more tech savvy now.

I have to admit they have matured this year and so have Brad and I!

I am actually writing this as the three of them are watching the basketball playoffs. They say I can watch with them but its not a requirement and I can do my own thing. Never heard that before.

Having them home has definitely kept Brad occupied so as he has become less of a stalker of me. But he still does show up when I least expect him. And I like it.

Happy Empty Nesting!

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