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Moments are precious. I don't disagree but sometimes one moment can turn into several moments and short moments can turn into long moments. Or little moments into big moments.

I love and treasure my moments just like everyone but ....

Sometimes days turn into weeks turn into months and then you realize you have not blogged in a very long time.

And that's what happened to Empty Nesters Finally. No great excuse. Brad and I did not win the lottery, we did not sell our house ( we thought about it), and yes we are still empty nesters finally.

So here is a QUICK UPDATE on all things Empty Nesters Finally since last blog (September 21 - UGH!) cause I know everyone missed us so much .....

We worked really hard to get taxes filed for our clients by October 15. Then we celebrated by going on vacation filled with experiences I will share later. This picture shows us making wine and drinking but ....

then we came home to a house with no air (85 degrees outside - 95 degrees in our house.)

Oh yea, our pool was leaking and our pool heater broke.

Since I have started blogging I feel as though my empty nesting life has become an open book so how could I not tell you???

The upside to all our "house moments" or must do house renovations are that I get to blog about my experience and most importantly with all this money towards our house renovations we can't move....

Happy Empty Nesting!!

PS TAKE AWAY: Stay on vacation til you run out of money and what you don't know won't hurt you. :)

PPS I had to leave some house renovations out of this blog cause a empty nester might possibly not know extent yet. When Future ENF Brad knows everyone will.

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